The Episcopal Church of St. Anne ​​


 ​July Calendas with rota

 July 2024 Highlights

Our dear friend Derek Lawrence passed to eternal life on Thursday, May 30, 2024, about one week after his 82nd birthday. A Celebration of Life for Derek will be held on Saturday, July 13, 2024, at Church of Saint Anne.  See July 13th below for details.

We continue to collect personal hygiene and cleaning supplies for the Morrison Charitable Food Pantry to supplement their mission to feed the hungry.  Fr. Janes will deliver the collected items to the Food Pantry on the first Wednesday of every month.  A donation box for such items is in the back of the church.  Please be generous and help these people in great need.  Food items are not needed, but appreciated.

AA meetings are held in the Undercroft at St. Anne's according to the following schedule:

Sunday 6:00pm closed, Monday 5:30pm 12-Steps and 7:00pm closed, Thursday 7:00pm closed, Friday 7:00pm open, Saturday 8:00am closed.

Every Tuesday (but subject to change): Becky West offers Chair Yoga at 9:00am and Mindfulness Meditation at 6:15pm in the Undercroft at St. Anne's and is open to anyone interested in light exercise and/or centering.  Text Becky for details or more information at 815-718-3699. Please note there will be no Chair Yoga or Meditation on Tuesday July 9 or Tuesday July 16.

Our Parish Picnic (at Ralph & Jane Kennedy's north of Mt. Carroll IL) has been postponed for a later date.  Stay tuned for updates.

Wednesday June 26th - The Feast of St. Peter & St. Paul, Apostles (transferred from June 29) will be celebrated with Evening Prayer at 5:00pm and Low Mass at 5:30pm followed by an all-parish dine-out.

Thursday June 27th - St. Barnabas Guild is again called into service at Pleasant View at 10:15am to offer worship (Morning Prayer) to the residents.  Volunteers to help Fr. James and the residents are always welcome and reward far exceeds effort.

Sunday June 30th -  The Sixth Sunday after Pentecost will be celebrated with Low Mass  at 8:00am and Mass with music at 9:30am. 

Wednesday July 3rd - We will anticipate and celebrate Independence Day with Evening Prayer at 5:00pm and Low Mass and patriotic hymns at 5:30pm followed by an all-parish dine-out.

Sunday July 7th - The Seventh Sunday after Pentecost will be celebrated with Low Mass at 8:00am, and Sung Mass at 9:30am. Today is also the first Sunday of the month and time for coffee hour and fellowship at 10:30am in the Undercroft following the morning services.  Please join us to share treats and good conversation.  Your help in providing treats or clean-up are very much appreciated.​

Wednesday July 10th - A Feria will be celebrated with Evening Prayer at 5:00pm, and Low Mass at 5:30pm.  A dine-out after Mass is anticipated for those who wish to participate.

Saturday July 13th - A Celebration of Life for Derek Lawrence will be held today, at the Church of Saint Anne.  Visitation will be from 9:30am to 10:30 am, with 11:00am service with burial and interment in the Resurrection Garden, followed by a reception in the Undercroft. Please keep Derek’s family, Dale, Amanda, Elizabeth, Rachel, and Lucas Lawrence, and Michael Lawrence in your prayers. 

Sunday July 14th - The  Eighth Sunday after Pentecost will be celebrated with Low Mass at 8:00am, and Sung Mass at 9:30am. Also today, St. Barnabas Guild is called into service at Resthave at 3:00pm and Homestead at 4:00pm to offer worship services to the residents.  Volunteers to help Fr. James and the residents are most welcome and appreciated

Wednesday July 17th - We will celebrate the Feast of St. Mary Magdalene, the Apostle to the Apostles (transferred from July 22) with Evening Prayer at 5:00pm, and Low Mass at 5:30pm. The Vestry will convene after Mass at 6:30pm in the Undercroft and all members are welcome to watch church business in action.

Thursday July 18th -  St. Barnabas Guild is called into service to offer worship at Pleasant View Nursing Home at 10:15am where we will read Morning Prayer.  Your assistance in this outreach ministry is greatly appreciated.  Let Fr. James know if you are interested. 

Sunday July 21st - The Ninth Sunday after Pentecost will be celebrated with Low Mass at 8:00am, and Sung Mass at 9:30am.  

Wednesday July 24th - The Feast of St. James, the Apostle (transferred from June 25) will be celebrated with Evening Prayer at 5:00pm and Low Mass at 5:30pm followed by an all-parish dine-out.  

Sunday July 28th -  Our patronal feast day will be celebrated with Low Mass  at 8:00am and Mass with music at 9:30am.   The parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary (transferred from July 26), will be  honored and their example to us celebrated.

Wednesday July 31st -  St. Ignatius of Loyola, Priest will be celebrated with Evening Prayer at 5:00pm and Low Mass at 5:30pm followed by a dine-out for those who wish to participate.